Remote bonobo controls.
Stephen Asherson
2005-09-15 19:35:29 UTC

I have been trying to load a bonobo control remotely on one machine
from another remote machine. What i have done is obtained the Bonobo
control on the server machine and the IOR of the "wrapped" CORBA object
in the bonobo control, i have then passed the IOR to the client and used
the IOR on the client side to obtain a reference to the corba-object
(bonobo-control). However when i try and display the bonobo control on
the client side...it does not display properly. Can you offer any
advice? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Stephen Asherson.
Nickolay V. Shmyrev
2005-09-16 09:48:39 UTC
Post by Stephen Asherson
I have been trying to load a bonobo control remotely on one machine
from another remote machine. What i have done is obtained the Bonobo
control on the server machine and the IOR of the "wrapped" CORBA object
in the bonobo control, i have then passed the IOR to the client and used
the IOR on the client side to obtain a reference to the corba-object
(bonobo-control). However when i try and display the bonobo control on
the client side...it does not display properly. Can you offer any
advice? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Stephen Asherson.
Hi Stephen

It's really hard to say what's happen in your case.

How it should work in theory (just overview, not with details exactly):

1. You pass the IOR and create CORBA_Object which corresponds to
control. (Do you use bonobo-activation?)

2. then you pack your BonoboControl to BonoboControlFrame

3. BonoboControlFrame asks remote control to create GtkPlug and get it's
X window id.

4. Then communications start by XEmbed protocol between remote X Client
and your local Xserver.

You see it's quite complicated schema, so it's hard to make it work. The
problem can lie in CORBA communication, it also can be X server
authentication issue or even just your remote X client setup. The
easiest thing is to debug this situation.

Can you build bonobo with debug support and set up environment variables
BONOBO_DEBUG=all and ORBIT2_DEBUG=all. Then please collect logs of
communication between client and server and post them. Also some
debugging with gdb may help.
Aditya Pandey
2005-09-16 15:36:47 UTC
Post by Nickolay V. Shmyrev
Can you build bonobo with debug support and set up environment variables
BONOBO_DEBUG=all and ORBIT2_DEBUG=all. Then please collect logs of
communication between client and server and post them. Also some
debugging with gdb may help.
If you can't build the whole bonobo at both client and server, may be you
could try 'strace'.
